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第十六章 入选 (第1/3页)
第十六章 入选
两天后的周四,丛葱中午吃饭前接到Nichole的内线电话,“Cong, can you please come to my office?(葱,请你来一趟我的办公室)。” “Yes. I am on my way. (好的。马上来)。” 到了 Nichole 办公室,丛葱抬手敲门, “Come on in. (请进。)” 丛葱推门进去,“Hi, Nichole, you look great today.(嗨,Nichole, 你今天看起来很棒!)” “&039;Thank you. Please take a seat. (谢谢。请坐。)”Nichole 朝她微笑,伸手从办公桌的抽屉里拿出一盒巧克力递给她 “Cong, you did a great job with LongHui last week. I appreciated it.” (葱,你上周出差隆辉的工作做得很出色,我很感谢。) “On time delivery is my responsibility as a planner.”(按时出货是我作为一个计划员的本职工作)。 丛葱拆了一颗巧克力放进嘴里咬一口,开玩笑道:“I wish I could be rewarded with chocolate every day since my childhood. It is so sweet! ”(我从小的愿望就是每天都被奖励巧克力,太好吃了!) “Haha, that&039;s my childhood wish too.” (哈哈,那也是我的童年愿望。)Nichole 笑了起来。 “Cong, you were recommended as the member of supply chain improvement project from our department.” (葱,你被推荐代表我们部门参加公司供应链改进项目。) “Really? Oh, I am lucky!” (真的? 我太幸运了!) “No. you deserved it. Your project proposal was impressive.” (不,你值得被推荐,你的项目自荐书让人印象深刻。) “I am happy to hear that! Thank you for your trust!”(我很高兴! 谢谢你对我的信任!) 丛葱回到座位,李艳就用MSN给她发信息,“刚才你去老大办公室了?”